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The Cowgirl's Experience

There are some stores you can visit every few months. One quick browse and you can spot what’s new, what’s on sale and what’s been collecting dust. And then there are stores you would go to daily if it were not for fear that the store clerks might think you had nothing better to do with your time than linger over every new shipment and display.

Cowgirls and Lace is one of those stores.

Opened in 1993 as Le Ragge Ruggs and expanded in 1996 as Le Ragge Ruggs and Cowgirls and Lace, this unique store has grown with the community it was established to serve. Drawing customers from throughout Texas, Le Ragge Ruggs and Cowgirls and Lace has become a travel destination for shoppers looking for merchandise reflecting a variety of tastes at great prices and the warmth and personal attention of a staff that knows its business and enjoys working with people.

The heart and soul of the store is Reba Byrd, who used her love of retail and her many years of experience in a variety of retail ventures to establish Le Ragge Ruggs and Cowgirls and Lace. She has nurtured the store with her special touch for fashion and style, her dedication to hard work and the recognition that customer service is the cornerstone upon which a successful store is built.

Reba started in retail as a child in her mother’s restaurant. Driving through Dripping Springs on the way to the ranch she owned with her husband, L.T. Byrd a retired attorney, she felt that familiar urge to venture into retail once again and knew that this small but growing community was the perfect place for her to set up shop.

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